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Vector functions

Features that are preceded by V are called vector functions. These are used to make calculations with respect to a number of sample points.

Funktion Beskrivning

Returns the average of 2n + 1 samples at each measurement point.

Example: VAVEL (ID1; 5) returns an average of 11 points, five back five forward and the point calculated.

VDER(ID) Returns the derivative calculated as follows:
(F (t-2DT) - 8 * f (t-dt) + 8 * f (t + dt)) - f (t + 2DT)) / 12
Ex: VDER (ID1)

Returns the second derivative calculated as the slope of the chord from t to t + dt dt of the first derivative.
Ex: VDER2(ID1)

VMEDL(ID;n) Returns the median of 2n + 1 values ​​Ex: VMEDL (ID1; 3) results in a median of 7 values ​​from channel 1

Returns the relative time as a float. The unit is in days.

Ex: VPOS (ID1) ® instance. 2.1323 which means 2 days, 3 hours, 10 m and 31 seconds (approximately).

VREV(ID) Returns the value of a curve with inverse time. The end time specified as the start time.
VSIZE(ID) Returns a float for the length of the recording.
VSKEWL(ID;n) Creates an offset curve "x" number of sample points
Ex: VSKEWL (ID1; 5)
VSKEWT(ID;t) Creates an offset curve "t" number of seconds. Do not confuse this with the "Shift" in the info table. It has a similar function.