
Learn more about EasyView – EasyView's features

Named Markers in the Time Chart and Calculations

Now you can work with new markers in EasyView. Choose names for the markers that are locked to the timestamp you select. This means that even if you zoom or change the timeline, the markers and the values of the channels will remain unchanged. Perfect for those who want to use the markers to extract values in formulas. There is no limit to how many markers you can create.

Create a Marker

Follow the instructions below to insert a marker:

  1. Place the cursor at the location where you want to insert a marker.
  2. Right-click on the time chart (white background, NOT on the timeline with the gray background).
  3. Enter the marker's name in the dialog box that appears.
  4. Adjust the time if you want to set the position using a timestamp.
  5. Press OK.

Move a Marker

To move a marker, place the cursor on the marker's black line, as shown in the image below. When the cursor changes, hold down the left mouse button and move the marker to where you want it. You can zoom in and fine-tune, as the marker will stay on the timestamp you associate it with even if you zoom out.

Edit or Delete a Marker

To edit or delete a marker, place the cursor according to the instructions in "Move a Marker," but instead of left-clicking, right-click and choose either to edit or delete the marker.

Add Markers as Headings

As soon as you create a marker, a key figure for the marker is also created, which means you can add it as a heading. You do this in the usual way:

  1. Right-click in the info table.
  2. Choose properties and look under Columns.
  3. Find the marker's name under the 'Hide' panel.
  4. Double-click the marker's name or use the arrows to move it to the 'Show' panel.
  5. Once you've pressed OK, the heading will appear in the info table.

Create a Calculation Based on Markers

With formulas in EasyView Pro, you can use the keyword KEYVAL to create your own headings. In the example at the top of the page, two calculation headings are created: 'Diff P1-P2' and 'Diff P1-P3.'

The formulas in the example look like this: KEYVAL "Diff P1 - P2" = P1-P2 KEYVAL "Diff P1 - P3" = P1-P3

  • Keyval is the keyword that tells EasyView that we want to create a custom heading.
  • The name must be written within " " if it contains spaces, otherwise, you can skip the " ".
  • The mathematical expression is written after the equals sign.



Easy Export of Measurement Data from EasyView

The easiest way to export measurement data from EasyView into Excel, email, or similar applications is to click once in the box you want to export, as shown here in the measurement data box: Note that the amount of data you export depends on what you've zoomed in on in the chart.


  1. Start by moving the cursor to the data table (see the image above) and click in it to make it active.
  2. Then, simply use Ctrl + C to copy the measurement data and Ctrl + V to paste it wherever you want. (Of course, right-clicking and selecting copy-paste works just as well.)

The same applies if you want to paste the chart. Select the box, copy it, and paste it where you want. Very simple!

Note that you need at least the Standard version of EasyView for this to work. In version 10, the Pro version is required.



The EasyView Window/Time Chart

EasyView consists of several fields and windows:

  1. Toolbar: This contains tools for zooming and scaling the measurement. Below the toolbar, you'll find tabs that are useful if you want to easily switch between different channels or measurement periods.

  2. Info Table: This provides information about the measurement file and the data visible in the chart window. You can easily add or remove columns with information.

  3. Chart Window: Zoom in or out to display the data you want to work with. The values visible in the chart window are the data presented in the data table and info table.

  4. Data Table: Here, you can add tabs like duration charts, histograms, etc.

Navigating in the Time Chart

EasyView is designed to be as simple as possible to work in. You can access almost all settings by double-clicking on the element you want to change.

Example: If you want to change columns in the info table, double-click on a column in the info table. If you want to change something on the x-axis, double-click on it.

If you want to take a closer look at a specific part of your measurement, you can zoom in. There are several ways to zoom in EasyView. One way is to draw a rectangle and then click on it. The content of the rectangle will fill the time chart.

Zooming Out to Show All Measurement Data

To zoom out and display all measurement data, you can use auto-scaling. By using "Height," your measurement is zoomed in the y-axis, and with "Width," it zooms in the x-axis. Using "Both" zooms your measurement so that all data fills the chart window.

Using Flags for Navigation

You can use flags to navigate in EasyView. They automatically adjust based on the content on the screen. Pressing "Fri" (Friday) will zoom EasyView so that Friday’s 24 hours fill the x-axis. Clicking "12" will make the hour between 12 and 13 fill the x-axis.

The Next and Previous  buttons work well with the flags. For example, if you clicked on "13," the hour between 13 and 14 will be shown on the x-axis. If you now click Next, the axis will change to display 14:00-15:00. You can also use the arrow keys on the keyboard. The right arrow moves forward in time, and the left arrow moves backward.

Zooming via Axis Dragging

You can also zoom by dragging on the x- or y-axis. The index values move like a rubber band.

  • Hold down the mouse button and drag anywhere on the x- or y-axis. This locks the origin and lets the other values change.
  • Hold down the mouse button + Shift to lock the upper limit and allow the origin to vary.
  • Hold down the mouse button + Ctrl to move the entire index row up or down, or side to side.

Scroll Wheel Zooming (Newer Versions)

In newer versions, you can also use the mouse scroll wheel to zoom in or out. The zoom follows the position of the cursor when you roll the wheel.



Chart Tabs

To create a new tab, right-click on an existing tab and select "Create copy of tab." This will give you an additional tab. By right-clicking, you can easily rename this tab and choose any view you like.

Split Curves Across Different Tabs

A chart in EasyView is placed under a tab. This tab provides information on how and what should be presented, such as which channels to display, scaling, line width, data markers, position, and more.

You can create new tabs (unlimited) to visually split a measurement into several sections. Each tab has its own unique settings. In this way, you can divide a large measurement with many channels and maintain a clear format.


Each tab has its own page in the "Notes" plug-in, where notes about the measurement can be made.

Real-Time Measurements

Each tab also has its own setting for real-time viewing. This means you can have one tab displaying your measurement in real-time and another where real-time viewing is turned off, allowing you to easily navigate through the measurement.


Rubber Band Axes

Intuitive and efficient axis scaling The index values move along with scaling as if they were attached to a rubber band. Try it yourself and experience the full control you have as a user. Place the mouse cursor somewhere along the axis's index values, hold down the button, and drag.

Change the Anchor Point

  • Hold down 'Shift' and drag to anchor the opposite axis position.
  • Hold down 'Ctrl' and drag to shift the entire axis without changing the axis's resolution.

Click the video below to see how to use the "Rubber Band Axes."





The Data Table


Next to the chart window, you will find the data table and possibly other plug-ins. The data table displays your samples with a timestamp.

By right-clicking and selecting "Save as," you can save the data table as a .txt file.

Under "Properties," you can choose the titles for your channels (e.g., temperature, etc.), as well as the column width and the number of decimal places.

You can also choose how the time should be displayed.

By dragging the columns, you can adjust their width.


Version 10: Data Table

Values in Text Form The data table presents data in text format (ASCII). Only the portion of the measurement that is scaled in the time chart is displayed in the data table.

Time Format On the far left of the data table, you'll find time information. This adopts the same format as your time axis is set to in the chart.

Data Reduction and Export The data can be exported by copying the data table and pasting it into any other program. The function performs a plain text copy, meaning you get the resolution allowed by your decimal places.

Sometimes, the amount of data may be too extensive and needs to be reduced in value count before exporting. In the example to the left, the table shows an average value for every fifth actual value.

Info Table in EasyView 10

In the info table, you'll find information about your measurement. By right-clicking on the header row, you can adjust how and what is displayed. "Adjust column width" adjusts the width of the columns so that the text fits. By placing the cursor between two columns, you can manually adjust the column's width.

By selecting a column and pressing "Hide selected columns," you can hide it. If you want to move it, click on "Sort channels." Under "Properties," you can choose to show or hide information.

In EasyView 11, you can also choose to display short heading names. It is also possible to sort the info table by the value in a specific column. Right-click and choose "Sort columns" or click and drag the mouse pointer up or down. You can also show/hide units in data columns.

Creating Multiple Tabs and Renaming You can create multiple tabs in the info table by clicking on the plus sign.

To rename a tab in the info table, right-click on the tab and select "Rename." After typing the new name, press ENTER.

Multiple Info Tables You can have multiple info tables. Right-click in the info table and select "Add section." You can then choose what should be displayed in each table through "Properties."

Channel Properties

Each channel has its own specific set of properties, such as color, label, range, etc. In the info table, you can hide or show the information that is relevant to your channels.

Key Figures

All figures related to the entire displayed time segment in the chart are presented here, including min, max, integral, etc. You can also create custom calculated key figures using the formula editor and the keyword KEYVAL.


In both the time chart and the info table, different setups can be placed under tabs. Click the plus sign to create a new tab.

Data Security in EasyView

EasyView does not allow the operator to modify raw data once it has been collected.

In the Info Table, you can activate columns whose information can ensure the integrity of measurement values by indicating the source and any post-processing.

Here, you can see information about the origin of the values and whether they have been processed.

"Type" can provide the following information:

  • Avg: for the average of several samples during data reduction in the logger.
  • Min: for the minimum value during data reduction in the logger.
  • Max: for the maximum of several values during data reduction in the logger.
  • Fml: for calculated values.

"Data Source" can indicate:

  • Logger type, e.g., Tinytag
  • IMP: for imported values
  • EZV: for values calculated by EasyView

"Serial Number" indicates the logger's serial number, if applicable.

"Transform" indicates the two points used to linearly transform a signal’s values. If no transformation has been performed, it will say N/A.



The Info Table (Change Colors & Names, and Select Headings & Channels)

Changing Color and Name Double-click on the name of the channel you want to rename. Type the new name and press Enter. To change the color, double-click on the color box representing the channel you want to change.

Show or Hide Channels

To choose which channels to display, double-click on the far-left side of the info table as shown in the image below.

A dialog box will then open (shown on the right), where you can choose which channels to make visible or hidden.

These settings apply to the active tab. Instructions on how to create more tabs can be found further down the page.

Selecting Visible Headings

To choose which headings should be visible in the info table, double-click on a heading as shown in the image below. 

This will open a dialog box (see the image on the right) where you can customize what information to display in the info table.

As before, these settings apply to the active tab.

Sorting the Info Table by Column If you want to sort the info table by a column, left-click on the column heading. While holding down the button, drag the mouse down to sort with the lowest value at the top. If you drag the mouse up, EasyView will sort with the highest value at the top.

In the example above, we clicked on the "Minimum" heading and dragged the mouse downward to start the sorting with the lowest value.

Adding a Section You can add sections in the info table to get more overview. If you add a section, the first half of the channels will appear in the section on the left, and the rest in the section on the right. By default, the new section is created with the same headings as the first, but you can customize the headings if you like.

Creating Custom Headings In the formula editor, you can create custom headings using formulas that apply the values from the time chart and perform the calculations defined in the formula. The formula uses the keyword KEYVAL, and an example is: KEYVAL Cursordiff = CURSOR1 - CURSOR2

Now a new heading called "Cursordiff" will be available in the column list. The value displayed is the difference between marker 1 and marker 2, and it will be recalculated each time you move one of the markers.


Open and Merge Files

Open Measurement Files When you open EasyView, you'll arrive at a start page where you can decide how to proceed. Here, you have options to open existing measurements, import, or start a new measurement.

Under "Open," you can choose the type of measurement you want to use. EasyView can also open files saved in earlier versions of EasyView. Under "Data Import," you can load files and measurements from Excel, MSR, Tinytag, and IntabCloud. You can also import data from CSV files and regular text files.


Recent Documents

When you want to open a measurement, you can choose to open recent measurements.On the left side of the window that opens, you'll see your most recently opened documents. On the right side, you'll see your most recently visited folders.

By clicking the pin icon to the right of the folders or documents, you can pin a folder or document there.



Merge Measurements

You can merge two or more documents into a single measurement file. First, go to Open >> EasyView Files, and when you select two or more documents, the Merge button becomes active. You select the first file as usual, but to select additional files, you need to hold down the Ctrl key to keep the previous selections.

When you press Merge, a new dialog box opens.

In the box on the left, you choose the target for the merge. EasyView suggests creating a new document.

On the right, EasyView suggests merging into an existing document. If you choose the Link Measurements option, the measurement data will not be included, and the original files must remain available for the merged file to function.

If the Link Identical Channels box is checked, EasyView will combine channels from different measurement periods (but from the same logger) into one channel. For example, file 1 contains a temperature channel from January, and file 2 contains a temperature channel from February. The merged file will have one channel with temperature data from January to February.

If you check Merge to Start Time instead, the merged file will contain two temperature channels with the same start time. This is perfect if you want to compare temperature day by day.

If neither option is selected, the merged file will be created with two channels: Channel 1 with data from January and Channel 2 with data from February.


Version 10

You can combine multiple measurements by selecting "EasyView Files" on the program’s start page. Select the measurements you want to merge by holding down Ctrl. Then press Merge.

Next, choose whether to open the measurements in a new document or in one of the existing documents. You can also choose whether to merge the measurements in the document or simply link them.

If you used the same logger for multiple measurements and want to combine this logger into the same channel, select Link Identical Channels. You can then choose which properties should match for the channels to be merged, such as the serial number.

If you choose Merge into Existing Document, the notes from the original measurement will remain. In the case of the image beside, the notes from the file "Consumption March" will remain, and the data from "Consumption April" will be added.

Combine Measurements

General This window contains many functions. The most obvious one is to open your recordings. Sort your measurements by start time, title, duration, or sampling interval.

Combine Measurements A practical feature in EasyView is the ability to combine several different files for presentation together. Suppose you have done a monthly measurement over a whole year.

These twelve files can later be combined and either displayed consecutively or shifted to the same starting position.

You combine multiple measurements by holding down Ctrl and selecting them. Then choose Merge at the bottom right.

File Formats That Can Be Opened

  • .ezv - EasyView recordings
  • .ttd - Orion OTLM
  • .txt - Text format (Pro version only)
  • .xls - Microsoft Excel (97 or later) (Pro version only)
  • .xlsx - Microsoft Excel (2007 or later) (Pro version only)
  • .aac - PC-soft (Pro version only)
  • .msr - Data from MSR loggers (Pro version only)
  • .gprs - Data from GPRS loggers (Pro version only)
  • .skv - Semicolon-separated (Pro version only)
  • .csv - Comma-separated (Pro version only)
  • .cme - CME Value Report (Pro version only)
  • .asc - Data from Top/Minmessage (Pro version only)



This is how the toolbar in EasyView looks:


  • Undo (CTRL + Z) – undoes the last action, for example, if you zoomed in, undo will return you to the previous view.
  • Redo – performs the action you undid.
  • Copy (CTRL + C) – the functionality varies depending on which window is active when you press copy.
  • Paste (CTRL + V) – works only in the time chart and formula editor. When pasting in the time chart, a data import begins, and in the formula editor, plain text is inserted.


  • To zoom out and show all measurement data, you can use auto-scaling. Using "Height" zooms your measurement on the y-axis, and "Width" zooms it on the x-axis. If you use "Both," your measurement is zoomed so that all data fills the chart window. 


  • The Next and Previous buttons are linked to the time period on the x-axis. If the x-axis shows 1 hour (say between 8:00 and 9:00), pressing Next will change the x-axis to display 9:00-10:00. You can also click the right arrow for the same effect. The Previous button or left arrow steps backward. 

Online Recording

  • These buttons are active when you log data in real-time and deactivate when you open a measurement file.
    • Stop – stops the ongoing recording.
    • Real-time Graph – "pauses" the ongoing recording. The markers are displayed, and data is not updated in the graph but continues to be saved in the background. Pressing Real-time Graph again will remove the markers, and all data is updated in the time chart.
    • Time Axis – has 3 options for how new data should be updated: Scroll, Scale, and Step.
    • Auto-save – save your document first if you haven't already, and then you can activate auto-save so that the measurement file is regularly saved to the hard drive.


Here, you'll find the Process Monitor, where you can build a process image with common images (JPG, PNG, etc.) and text, along with analog and digital displays. The displays present your measurement data either in real-time or from an existing measurement. You can easily illustrate values going into and out of a process. The values can be both measured and calculated through formulas.

When you click on the Formula Editor, a new window opens. Here, you can create new channels using the keyword GRAPH or new headings for the info table using the keyword KEYVAL.

Syntax: KEYWORD "name of new channel" (its unit) = mathematical expression

Example of a formula for calculating the temperature difference between channel 1 and 2: GRAPH "Temp. diff" (°C) = ID1 - ID2

Now, a channel named "Temp. diff" with the unit °C will be created, showing the difference between ID1 and ID2.



Save Files and Print

Save Your EasyView File When you are in the EasyView window, click on File, then on either the Save or Save As buttons. You can also use the keyboard command Ctrl+S (Save).

Print Your Measurement In the EasyView window, click on File and then on the Print option, or use the keyboard command Ctrl+P (Print). This view should then appear:

Under Printer, choose the printer where the printout will be sent. You can also select "Microsoft Print to PDF" to save the printout as a PDF file.

Page Setup In Page Setup, you can customize how the contents of the printout are formatted. For example, you can choose to have the chart and the info table on the same page, adjust the print placement relative to the page edges, add a footer, and more.

Content In the Content section, you set the basic layout of the printout, determining which areas of the EasyView measurement file will be included and how they are oriented. The areas can be configured as follows:

  • None: The area will not be printed.
  • Portrait: Places the area vertically in relation to the page, on its own page.
  • Landscape: Places the area horizontally in relation to the page, on its own page.
  • Above Chart: Places the area on the same page as, and above, the chart. This option only affects the info table. The orientation of the chart also determines the orientation of the info table.

Margins In Margins, you set the printout's indentation from the page edges, meaning how much blank space should be between the content and the page edges. The settings are divided into two identical sets, one for landscape-oriented pages and one for portrait-oriented pages. These are set in millimeter scale 1:1. Left, Right, Top, and Bottom increase the indentation from the respective edge of the main content. Header increases the indentation of the header from the top edge of the page, while Footer increases the indentation of the footer from the bottom edge of the page. These settings do not affect the margins between the header, footer, or the page content.


Header and Footer In the Header and Footer section, you can edit the content in these areas. The content affects all pages equally, except for the first page if "Different first page" is set to True. In that case, the First page setting will appear for editing (see image).

To edit the content of, for example, All pages, simply double-click in the field or click the "..." button in the same field.

You will then see this window (the same happens if you open the content of the First page):

The header and footer each have their own tab where you can access their content. The content is divided into three columns according to the text boxes. You can also insert variables related to the printout (page number and total pages), the time of the printout (date and time), and general parameters for the measurement file (file path, file name, title, and tab name). You can quickly insert these variables using the buttons above the text boxes.

Default Template Print settings are tied to an open measurement file, meaning each measurement file has its own print settings that are not saved when the files are closed. If you frequently use certain specific settings, it may be helpful to save them for the next time you print, so you don't have to set everything up again. Near the bottom of the program view under Page Setup, you will find two clickable text lines:

To save the settings, click the upper text line Save current page settings as default. When you want to load them again, click the lower text line Load default settings.


Create PDF Report / Print in EasyView 10

If you want to create a report of your measurement, use a PDF printer. Examples of such printers are Adobe or PDF Creator.

Then select File and Print. As the printer, choose your PDF printer.

Here, you can choose how your report will look (see the image below). By clicking the arrow next to the different parts of the measurement, you can select landscape or portrait orientation. For the info table, there is also the option to place it on the same page as the chart, as shown in the image. You can also select what to include, such as XY charts or notes. These will then be placed on separate pages.


How to Insert a Header and Footer in EasyView 10

If you want to add a header or footer to your document for printing, it's simple to do. Click on "Print" in the menu. At the bottom, you'll find "Header and Footer." Click here, and a window will appear where you can easily select what to include in your document. You can click the buttons to add things like the date, or manually type what you want in the different fields.

Report/Printing in EasyView 11

In EasyView 11, it's easy to create a well-designed presentation of your measurement data.

The Report Mode has its own menu tab for easy access.

Here, you can choose to create a new page, copy an existing page, or open a previously created template. If you want to create a completely new report, select "New" and then right-click in the document. Clicking "New" again will create an additional page.

You can choose to add views, text, or images.

Under Properties, you can adjust document settings like paper size and margins. You can also choose landscape or portrait orientation.

When you add a view, text, or image, a box will appear in your document. You can move and resize these boxes as you like. Experiment with different designs to find a layout that suits your needs.

To create more pages with the same design, click "Copy" in the menu.

If you want to use the same design for future measurements, you can save it as a template in the menu.

Click inside the box to add content. When you insert text in a text box, you can change the font and size. You can also add several properties of the measurement, such as start and end dates, and the document name.

Once you're done with your report, you can choose to save it as a PDF or print it.




Zooming Tools

If you want to take a closer look at a specific part of your measurement, you can zoom in on it. Using Height zooms your measurement on the y-axis, and using Width zooms it on the x-axis. If you use Both, your measurement will be zoomed so that it fits the chart window. In EasyView 10, these symbols are found in the menu bar. In EasyView 11, you'll find them above the chart.


In version 11, there are also shortcuts for zooming different periods above the chart. In version 11, you can also zoom using the mouse scroll wheel.

You can also select an area with the mouse cursor to take a closer look at that region. Once the area is selected with a box, click inside the box to zoom in.

You can also zoom by dragging along the x- and y-axes. The index values follow like a rubber band.

  • Hold down the mouse button and drag anywhere on the x- or y-axis. This locks the origin and allows other values to change.
  • Hold down the mouse button + Shift to lock the upper limit and let the origin vary.
  • Hold down the mouse button + Ctrl to move the entire index range up or down, or side to side.


The Time Chart (Zoom & Navigate in the Graph and Change Its Settings)

The EasyView window is divided into three sections. You can drag these sections to resize them.

At the top, you'll find the info table, which displays information for each channel. You can customize what is shown in the info table by double-clicking on it.

In the bottom left, you'll find the chart window, which manages a variety of curves distributed across different axes. You can choose how the curves should appear and what colors they should have. You can also decide which curves to show or hide. Double-click in the chart for settings.

Data Import (Pro)

Import of ASCII Data EasyView is equipped with a powerful import tool. The program can import tables (column-separated text format) and present the result as a professionally formatted chart.

Procedure There are several ways to import text data into a chart document:

  • Select text data in a program that handles OLE drag-and-drop, such as Excel, Word, or other logger programs. Drag the data into an empty or existing chart.
  • Select the text data and copy it. Place the time axis origin in your document where you want the data to start. Paste it.
  • Save your text data as a tab/space or list-separated file (.txt, .skv, .csv). Choose "Text Files" as the file format in EasyView and open it.

Show/Hide Channels If you double-click in the time chart or right-click and select Properties, you'll reach Graphs under Chart Properties. Here, you can choose which channels should be visible or hidden on the current tab.

You can double-click a channel to toggle it between Show and Hide.

If you want to move several channels, you can drag a rectangle with the mouse cursor around the channels you want to move to select them. Once the channels are selected, use the arrows to move them all at once. You can also use the Shift or Ctrl key to select multiple files.

Set Appearance Double-click in the time chart or right-click and choose Properties to access Chart Properties. Then select Presentation. Here, the visible channels for the tab will be listed, and you have the option to change how each channel is displayed in the time chart.

  • Color: Choose the color of the line (and the channel).
  • Binding Type: Diagonal or horizontal + vertical lines between measurement points.
  • Point Type: Mark the measurement point with a dot.
  • Line Type: Choose the appearance of the line, e.g., dashed, solid, or no line at all.
  • Line Width: Select the thickness of the line.
  • Decimals: Choose how many decimals EasyView should display for the channel.


Linear Transformation Double-click in the time chart or right-click and choose Properties to access Chart Properties. Then select Transformation. Here, you can transform units and values. A simple use case for transformation is if a channel in the measurement file has the wrong unit. You can check the box next to Active and enter the correct unit under To Unit.

In the example below, a PT-100 sensor was connected to the logger, but the transformation wasn't applied in the logger and needs to be done afterward. The sensor's manual states that 100 mV corresponds to 266.4 °C, and 50 mV corresponds to 0 °C. If the measurement file contains 0 mV, it will be displayed as -266.4 °C because the transformation is linear.

If you've calibrated your logger, you can use linear transformation to make the logger display the same value as the precise reference equipment. Enter the logger's measured value under Upper From/Lower From and the reference equipment's value (found on your certificate) under Upper To/Lower To.

If you have more than two points, you will need to perform a nonlinear transformation.

Nonlinear Transformation

When analyzing your measurement values in EasyView and you need to transform your nonlinear values into another unit, you can use the formula editor. There, you can perform transformations with multiple breakpoints, which we refer to as nonlinear transformation (there is also a simpler tool for linear transformations). The measurement below is a test between two types of loggers, and the reference sensor in the test has been adjusted using a nonlinear transformation.

Here's how to do it:

  1. Create a file named Table1.txt under C:\ProgramData\Intab\EasyView11\.
    Note that the ProgramData folder is often hidden, so first choose to display hidden folders.

  2. The text file should contain two columns separated by a tab. In the left column, enter the values you want to transform from, and in the right column, enter the values you want to transform to. Make sure the values in the left column are sorted from lowest to highest.

  3. Open a measurement in EasyView and enter the following formula in the formula editor: GRAPH Test(°C) = TABLE(ID1; 1)

  4. If you need to use multiple nonlinear transformations, name the next file Table2.txt and enter the following formula instead: GRAPH Test(°C) = TABLE(ID1; 2)



Describe the Process with an Image

The process diagram is a highly useful tool for visualizing processes during an online recording. You can place any image as the background, such as a .gif, .jpg, or .bmp file.

Then, place the online values you are interested in at appropriate positions for your application. If the process diagram is resized, the values will scale proportionally.

"In the process diagram, I upload an image of my hydraulic schematic. Then I can move the cursor back and forth and see different sequences. This helps with personal understanding and provides an educational view of the process."
— Jonas Jansson, PMC Group, on the process diagram.



Here we will go over different ways to zoom in EasyView:

  1. Draw a rectangle and click inside it: This will make the content inside the rectangle fill the time chart.

  2. Click on a flag: Flags automatically adjust based on the content on the screen. If you click on "Fri" (Friday), EasyView will zoom so that the entire Friday fills the x-axis. Clicking on "12" will display the hour between 12:00 and 13:00 on Friday, filling the x-axis.

  3. Zoom by dragging the x- or y-axis: The index values follow like a rubber band.

    • Hold down the mouse button to fix the origin while the other values adjust.
    • Hold down the mouse button + shift to fix the upper limit while the origin varies.
    • Hold down the mouse button + ctrl to move the entire index range up or down or from side to side, keeping the time or value range unchanged.
  4. Clicking directly on the y-axis: This allows you to zoom in on only that unit. Clicking on the x-axis will zoom only time. In the example below, we zoom in to display °C between 40-55 °C, while the other units, time and %RH, remain unchanged.

  5. Use the mouse scroll wheel: This can be used to zoom in or out. The zoom follows the position of the mouse cursor when you scroll the wheel.

  6. Double-click the x-axis: This will take you directly to the Time Axis settings in Chart Properties. Alternatively, double-click anywhere else in the time chart and then select the desired settings. Here, you can enter the exact start and end times for the period you want to apply to the x-axis.

  7. Double-click the y-axis: This will take you to Axes in Chart Properties, where you can enter the origin and endpoint for each axis in the time chart.

Version 10:

Calendar Zoom

Calendar zoom can be used either as an indicator of where you are in your measurement or as a scaling tool.

How to Use It
Enable time flags by double-clicking in the center of the chart and selecting Flags. Check Auto or select one or more of the specific time units (week, day, etc.).

Zoom In and Out
Click on any flag, and the corresponding day, hour, etc., will be zoomed in.

For example, click on "day" and use the arrows in the top menu to move to the first, previous, next, or last day.

Click one of the two bottom flags on the far left to zoom out.


Version 10:

Real-time Graph

Smooth Real-time Display
EasyView can display measurement data in real time, allowing you to continuously see what is happening. If you are using formulas, they will also be calculated and displayed in real time.

Turning Real-time Display On and Off
You can stop the real-time display at any time by clicking the arrow.

The recording will continue as usual without losing any data. The on/off setting for the real-time display is saved per chart tab.


Zoom Out

Here are some ways to zoom out:

  1. To zoom out and display all measurement data, you can use auto-scaling. Using Height zooms your measurement along the y-axis, and using Width zooms it along the x-axis. If you use Both, your measurement will be zoomed so that all data fills the chart window.

  2. You can use flags to zoom out. Press the flag that shows a period larger than the one currently displayed on the x-axis to zoom out.

  3. The mouse scroll wheel can also be used to zoom in or out. The zoom follows the position of the mouse cursor when you roll the wheel.

  4. By double-clicking the x-axis, you will go directly to the Time Axis in Chart Properties. Alternatively, you can double-click anywhere else in the time chart and then select the desired settings. Here, you can enter the exact start and end times for the period you want to apply to the x-axis.

  5. If you double-click the y-axis instead, you will access the Axes settings in Chart Properties. Here, you can enter the origin and endpoint for each axis in the time chart



In EasyView's time chart, there are two markers you can use to display the values of channels in the info table at the points where you have placed the markers.

During an online measurement, the markers will be hidden. If you want to use them during an online measurement, you must click on Real-time Graph in the menu (this will stop new values from being drawn, but they will continue to be stored in the background). When you click on Real-time Graph again, the markers will disappear, and the background data will be displayed.

By right-clicking on the time axis, you can access the options shown in the image on the right:

Relative time markers determine whether you will see the time difference between C1 and C2 (as shown in the image above) or if C2 will be displayed with its absolute timestamp.

You can hide the markers by right-clicking on the x-axis and selecting Time Markers.

If you also uncheck Time Grid, the boxes showing the time points and duration will be hidden.


You can use formulas to create custom headers that include the markers in calculations.

For example, by writing:
KEYVAL "Marker Difference" = CURSOR1 - CURSOR2
in the formula editor, you can add a new header in the info table called "Marker Difference." This will show the difference between the values where marker 1 and marker 2 are placed for each channel.


Duration Chart (EasyView 10 Pro)

Duration over Time
A duration chart shows how long a channel has been above or below a certain value. It is similar to a histogram.

In the duration chart, values are displayed sorted from the highest to the lowest.

Instructional Video

A common use for this type of chart is in measuring meteorological factors like temperature, humidity, and precipitation.

It can also be valuable in medical technology. For example, if the temperature needs to be above 90°C for at least ten minutes for the object to be considered disinfected, this plugin is very useful.

Step and Scroll

With the Next and Previous buttons, you can move forward or backward in time. For example, if the x-axis shows a 60-minute time period, clicking Next will move one hour forward in the measurement. These buttons work well with flags, and you can also use the arrow keys on your keyboard. The right arrow moves forward in time, and the left arrow moves backward.

The position bar is located below the date values on the x-axis. The more you zoom in, the smaller the light gray area in the bar becomes. The size and position of this area indicate how much you've zoomed in and whether you are at the beginning, middle, or end of the measurement. You can grab the light gray part with the mouse cursor to display a new portion of the measurement in the time chart. The x-axis will not be rescaled, only shifted in the direction you drag the mouse.

If you don’t see the position bar, you can activate it by right-clicking just below the x-axis and selecting Position Bar.

Create Reports

When printing a document in EasyView, the layout is up to you. Each section in EasyView— the chart, plugin window, and info table— can be printed in different combinations.

EasyView uses vector printing, meaning that the chart is not sent to the printer as an image but as drawing coordinates. The printer then draws the chart point by point, resulting in a very high level of detail in your prints.

Export Your Measurement Data
The info table, time chart, and data table can all be copied and pasted into any program.

The time chart will be pasted in Windows Meta format, which will redraw itself and adjust font size if the chart is resized where it is pasted.


Comment and Anchor

Comment By right-clicking in the time chart and selecting Insert Comment, you have the option to write text comments in the time chart. After typing the text you want to add, press OK. You can then move the comment around. To change the text, double-click on it.

Anchor To create an anchor, hover the mouse over the point you want to link the anchor to. After a moment, a text box will appear showing the channel name, the value for the point, and the unit.

Without moving the mouse, press and hold the left mouse button while dragging the anchor. Release the mouse button where you want to place the anchor.

You can move the anchor by clicking on the text and dragging it to a new position.

Double-click on the text to change its content. Anchors can use both keywords and free text.

Some keywords are:

  • <label>
  • <value>
  • <unit>
  • <date>
  • <time>

An example of use: Measurement Point 1 <label> = <value> <unit> Date <date> Time <time>

Version 10

Comments In EasyView, there are two different types of comments:

  1. Anchored Comments:
    A comment attached to the curve with an anchor point. These are very easy to use. Hover the mouse over the curve where you want the comment, wait a second, and then drag the comment to where you want it. You can modify or remove the anchor point.

  2. Floating Comments:
    Floating comments are not attached to any specific curve. Use the comment button to insert them. These comments can be moved around anywhere on the chart.

Tip: You can copy columns/rows from the info table and paste them directly into the chart. This will create comments in the same color as the curves.

Logger Register (Pro) Version 10

The Logger Register gathers information about the loggers handled by the program. Every time communication with a logger occurs, EasyView logs this information. This makes it easy to review the settings of loggers that have been started, stopped, and emptied.

You can find the Logger Register as a button on the start page.

Here is a list containing information about the loggers managed by the software. The functions of the different columns are explained in the table on the right.

By clicking on an entry in the list, you can see the parameters used for the most recent recording for that logger. There is also a box where users can write their own notes.

Outdated entries can be deleted by right-clicking and selecting Delete.

The columns in the list have the following functions:

  • Custom Name: Optional text for easier identification of the loggers. Double-click the field to enable input.
  • Logger: Serial number.
  • Type: Logger model, such as PC-logger or Tinytag Ultra 2.
  • Status: The last action performed, such as stop or empty.
  • Time: The date and time of the last action.
  • Title: The title of the recording.
  • Connection: The type of connection used.


Important Information
In Notes, there is space to write text about the active chart tab. You can enter traceability information or simply jot down some details to help you remember where you left off.

Note that you have one notes page available per chart tab.

Save as Image

Save As
Every view in EasyView has this right-click option. It’s a very quick and simple way to share your information or include it in reports.

Send Image
Similar to 'Save As,' but the image is placed as a .gif in an email. It’s now easy to send the chart to a colleague who doesn't have EasyView installed.

Save the Time Chart as an Image

Save As
Every view in EasyView has this right-click option. It’s a very quick and simple way to share your information or include it in reports. You can save in PNG and BMP formats.

Send Image
Same as 'Save As,' but the image is placed as a .gif in an email. It’s now easy to send the chart to a colleague who doesn't have EasyView installed.

Crosshair and Chart Key

A new feature in EasyView 11 is the crosshair and chart key, which makes it easier to get a quick overview of measurement values and time points. The crosshair shows your position on the x-axis and y-axes, while the chart key displays the pointer’s corresponding time and each channel’s measurement value for that point. As soon as you move the mouse pointer, the values in the chart key update.

You can move the chart key by clicking and dragging it to a different location.

By right-clicking in the time chart, you can access the options shown in the image on the right:

  • To hide the crosshair, click Show Cross.
  • If you uncheck Show Chart Key, the chart key will be hidden.