

Open - file registry (standard)


This menu holds several functions. the most obvious is to open your recordings for analysis. 

Sort your recordings by Start date, Title, Duration or Sampling interval. 

Combine recordings
One of the many high-lights of Easyview is the ability to combine several recordings into one diagram. Suppose that you have made monthly recordings for a whole year. 

These twelve recordings may be combined into one sheet so that the different months may be compared.

Accepted file formats
.ezv - EasyView documents
.xls - Microsoft Excel (97 or later)
.ttd - Orion OTLM
.aac - Pc-soft / EasyView 1
.txt - Text format
.skv - Semicolon separated
.csv - Comma separated
.asc - Delpingsys offloads

Italic = only in EasyView Pro